Lucy Seifert, Life Coach London
Dip (LC Inst.)
Full Member - Association for Coaching


How relevant and strong is the content of your CV?

How does it demonstrate and highlight your experience, knowledge, skills and achievements?

It is important to do justice to your career performance and demonstrate your progression.

Again put yourself in the busy recruiter’s shoes.

  1. Does the personal profile immediately & succinctly inspire you with confidence in the applicant? Will you, as reader, want to read on?
  2. Does the candidate’s match of skills, knowledge and experience for this role leap out from the first page?
  3. Does the CV demonstrate credibility for the role with evidence from their qualifications, other training, skills and experience?
  4. Do their personal attributes (such as team-player, ability to show initiative or to keep calm in a crisis, excellent communicator, verbally and in writing) reflect those in the job specification?
  5. Do the achievements stand out confidently – overall & within each previous job role?
  6. Does the candidate appear to be up-to-date with their professional knowledge?
  7. Does the CV illustrate good career progression with this role being a logical next step?
  8. Does the candidate demonstrate that they are more than their profession, for example, what civic or charity work do they do?
  9. Is there evidence of a work-life balance?
  10. Overall what stands out as different or special about this candidate?

Now stand in your own shoes again and ask yourself this key question

Will you be able to substantiate at an interview everything you have claimed for yourself in your CV?

If you would like assistance with CV writing, please do contact me. You’ll see some further tips if you follow me on Twitter.

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