Lucy Seifert, Life Coach London
Dip (LC Inst.)
Full Member - Association for Coaching
How Life Coaching Works

Motivational quotes

Thursday 13th March 2025

"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted"

Book Now

Arrange a FREE 20 minute consultation (by phone in UK or on Zoom if abroad) so that you can explain your reasons for getting in touch and what you’d like to achieve as a resut of our coaching sessions.


"Thank you for your wisdom, care & inspiration"

"I am very pleased to report that I have got exactly what I wanted. I am VERY HAPPY and I must thank you for your part in this & for giving me the confidence to ask for what I want"

"I just wanted to say a huge thank you. I would have been stuck were it not for our session. When I come to the next cross roads I will be sure not to wait. I'll book you straight away!"

Life Coaching with Lucy Seifert Life Coach London

Do you:

  • have hopes and dreams that you’d like to fulfil?
  • want to move forward – with your career and personal life?
  • find that the daily demands of life and work get in the way?
  • feel your motivation dip at times?
  • want support towards achieving your goals?

Many people have good ideas but not everyone can make them happen. It may be difficult to know how to go about it, hard to know what to do first, and you may find that when you discuss it with someone, they are not supportive in the way you had hoped leaving you feeling discouraged.

Life Coaching offers a dynamic to enable you to identify your goals in life and career and translate these goals into actions. It provides you with an opportunity to grow your skills and confidence and offers you a truly supportive experience.

What are the benefits of Life Coaching?

"In the absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily acts of trivia."

Perhaps you have a vague idea that you are not entirely satisfied in your job, want to do better in your career, to feel more organised and have more of a work-life balance. These are broad topics rather than goals.

"You cannot plough a field by turning it over in your mind."

Life Coaching will enable you to bridge the gap between the idea and where you want to be, supporting you to take bite-sized, manageable steps to attain great goals. You will feel encouraged not only to make resolutions but to actively bring about positive change personally and/or professionally. 

In my capacity as your coach, I facilitate you to identify specific goals for your coaching and within it, for each session. A goal may bring a smile to your face, give you a ‘feel good’ factor as you imagine you are already there. Conversely, a goal may feel like a difficult challenge; therefore finding a constructive way forward can greatly reduce stress.

We may examine the goal in greater detail, whether you have chosen it of your own volition, or if someone else is perhaps pulling your strings, influencing you towards a goal that isn’t entirely yours. In this case, we may redefine it or identify a new goal. What of the goal itself? Is it too big, too daunting or does it feel manageable? How will we make it feel and become achievable? This may involve breaking it down into smaller goals so that you can find the steps and a comfortable path to travel.

Lucy Seifert’s unique blend of coaching and training

Reach for the skies

Coaching is also the art of improving performance and, as a communication trainer with 30 years’ experience, I also offer clients 1-2-1 personalised training & the opportunity to develop skills that relate to their goals, such as assertiveness trainingconfidence coachingCV & interview skillspublic speaking and presenting, and time and stress management.

Working together to identify and achieve what you wish for

We work together in partnership in a climate of confidentiality, honesty, trust and support. You may bring one pressing issue, such as a relationship difficulty at home or at work, or a presentation you’ve been asked to make, or you may want to look more broadly and longer term at your personal and professional goals and well-being.

I work with clients across the age and career spectrum. They have included students starting on their careers to established professionals and those in leadership roles, across the arts, commerce, education, industry and science.

Clients have included artists, musicians and scientists, doctors, lawyers, lecturers and accountants, finance and computer specialists, students and graduates, chief executives and managing directors.

I believe the client is the expert in their life & work, and is creative and resourceful.

Coaching will enable you to identify & define their goals, embark on a journey of self-discovery, generate ideas and solutions, access the skills that you wish for, make decisions and take action.

Continuity Coaching

Seven Steps to Greater Opportunity – only £795

  • An MOT of your life and work with steps towards achieving positive change.
  • An opportunity to bring a range of issues which may include life coaching, attaining your goals, assertiveness, confidence, career coaching: CVs and interviews, presentation skills, stress and time management.
  • Create authentic relationships, build confidence for your career, and develop a stronger sense of self and personal well-being.
  • Includes preparation, follow up and email support as well as seven hours of 1-2-1 coaching.

Find out more - see below!

More about Life Coaching

Do you:

  • have hopes and dreams that you’d like to fulfil?
  • want to move forward – with your career and personal life?
  • find that the daily demands of life and work get in the way?
  • feel your motivation dip at times?
  • want support towards achieving your goals?
  • or perhaps you’re feeling aimless, uncertain of your future directions & want to identify your goals in life? 

Seven steps to greater opportunity

  • Review where you are and where you want to be
  • Define what you want from life – the goals to strive for
  • Identify the steps to take and the obstacles in your way
  • Plan the route to tackle them and reach your destination
  • MOT your life and work, make way for positive change


  • 7 hours of dedicated, bespoke 1-2-1 life coaching and skills coaching
  • Preparation, follow up & interim email support between sessions
  • Sensitive yet developmental feedback
  • Material, assessments, activities & action plans to motivate (& drive) you forward between sessions
  • A time to talk and to be truly listened to and supported to take life-enhancing decisions

Your coaching sessions will be: developmental, empathetic, encouraging, non-judgemental, personalised and practical.

Every person is a unique individual. Coaching will be designed with you and for you.
You can choose to have your Life Coaching sessions online and/or mobile

It’s up to you – it’s time to achieve change!

See sample programme below:

  1. Personal MOT – life assessment, values, goals and priorities
  2. Key goals: options and strategies
  3. Communicating assertively (to attain your goals)
  4. Developing your relationships assertively (personal or work)
  5. Well-being and confidence, qualities and skills
  6. Time management and Timelines – plan for the now & the future
  7. Bringing it all together – the way forward

We continually review how you are progressing with your goals. However, it’s up to you and these steps and overall life coaching programme will be tailored to your needs, wishes and situation.

Please email me to arrange payment by BACS (£795).

"Lucy Seifert is simply brilliant at coaching you through life’s inevitable challenges. Through Lucy’s motivation and help with actionable planning I have now fulfilled many personal and professional goals. Lucy's approach is warm, practical and inspiring, I can't thank you enough for getting me back on track!"

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